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The Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR) of the Algarve region and the Algarve Municipalities have proposed to use the €25 million of EU funds for the Portugal 2030 initiative to ensure digital coverage across the region.

The goal is to improve connectivity in low-density areas and create a network of “smart villages”, in order to provide better provision services of personal care, human health and well-being.

In the words of CCDR Algarve president, José Apolinário: “The Regional Operational Program mobilises €15 million to support the improvement of connectivity in rural, low-density areas and €10 million for actions for the economic appreciation of endogenous resources and strategies to diversify the economic base in low-density territories.”

“It also represents a source of emerging opportunities in the promotion of forms of active ageing and in the creation of new services and territorial qualifications that lead to the recognition of the Algarve as a reference for healthy ageing,” adds the president.

Referring to the predominance of an ageing population – the so-called silver economy – in inland areas, who often lack support and connectivity, the funds also aim to “stimulate the silver economy segment, longevity and well-being, and enhance factors of innovation and complementarity between the sectors of human health and tourism”.

Noting that many people often move to the coast due to improved services, José Apolinário concludes that the investment in inland areas aims to improve “the provision of services and personal care, human health and well-being, which support the affirmation of the Algarve as a territorial reference for active and healthy ageing, for nationals and foreigners alike”.

By investing in a property further inland, you are more likely to get more for your money. Take a look at our portfolio to find your ideal home, or contact us for further information on investing in the Algarve.