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Luxury villa with pool at dusk


The Portuguese real estate market continues to see the most foreign investment, but where are international buyers setting their sights?

Single-floor villa with garden and pool


Could this be the end of the real estate boom? Analyst forecasts indicate a drop in property prices across Europe. A decline of 8% is expected in Portugal.

Roman bridge across the River Arade in Silves


Portugal, of course! A new study has confirmed what many already know: Portugal is the best country in Europe to retire.

Luxury villa with sofas and terrace with pool looking over the ocean


Whatever the state of the real estate market in Portugal, luxury homes are still in demand across the country, but particularly in the Algarve.


Hot summers and holidays equal fun and relaxation in and around the pool for the whole family. But there's a scarce supply of properties with pools, and they're more expensive than those without.